Message from Director

Institute of Brain Science,
Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences

Kazunobu Sawamoto, PhD 

I have been appointed as the Director of the Institute of Brain Science since April 2021. This institute was established in October 2019 under the leadership of Dr. Makoto Michikawa, former Dean of the Graduate School of Medical Sciences (the first Director). In addition to the Department of Neuro-oncology, Neurotoxicology, and Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology, which had been active since its predecessor, the Institute for Molecular Medicine, the Department of Neurocognitive Science and Neurodevelopmental Disorder Genetics have been newly established. In addition, an endowed laboratory in Cognitive Function and Pathology was established in 2021 with support from the City of Nagoya.

A year and a half has passed since the establishment of the Institute, and we have gradually built up a structure as a research institute engaged in basic neuroscience, especially in the elucidation of the pathology of brain diseases and the development of prevention and treatment. The number of researchers is gradually increasing, and we are receiving more competitive research grants and publishing more papers. We would like to promote the exchange of information and joint research within the institute by designing ways for researchers to interact with each other, which is often lacking in the COVID-19 related crisis. Furthermore, we need to further strengthen our research capabilities by collaborating not only with researchers on campus including those at our affiliated hospitals but also with other research institutions and companies in Japan and abroad.

In the Core Laboratory, which is located in the building of the Institute, the latest imaging equipment as well as equipment for analyzing cognitive and motor functions of mice will be installed as shared equipment of the university. The Biobank, scheduled to open in FY2021, will be able to store biological samples such as blood along with medical information and utilize them for medical research. These facilities are expected to be used not only for neuroscience, but also for a variety of medical and life science research at Nagoya City University, as well as for collaborative research with researchers outside the university.

We aim to promote basic research in neuroscience and to translate the results into clinical applications. We also hope to provide education and research guidance in neuroscience to young scientists, and to foster internationally active neuroscientists.

We will make a concerted effort to provide a place where researchers can enjoy their research, demonstrate their abilities, and grow, and to contribute to the development of neuroscience.

We sincerely appreciate your cooperation and support for the development of the Institute of Brain Science.


The Institute of Brain Science was established in October 2019 to promote basic research in the field of neuroscience. In addition to elucidating the developmental mechanisms and functions of neurons and neural circuits, we are working on elucidating the pathology and etiology of various neurological diseases, studying diagnostic and preventive methods, and developing therapeutic methods such as drug discovery and regenerative medicine. Through multidisciplinary and high-level neuroscience research at the molecular, cellular, and individual levels, we aim to overcome aging brain diseases such as dementia and stroke, which are increasing in our super-aging society, as well as brain tumors and neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders, which are of great social concern.


We promote cutting-edge research to elucidate brain functions and overcome neurological diseases in six departments: Neuro-oncology, Neuro Toxicology, Developmental and Regenerative Neurobiology, Neurocognitive Science, Neurodevelopmental Disorder Genetics, and Cognitive Function and Pathology.


We provide high-level education and research guidance in neuroscience to young scientists including graduate and undergraduate students and train internationally active neuroscientists.

Social contribution

We make social contributions by promoting translational research and industry-academic collaboration with internal and external research institutions and hospitals to link the results of basic research to clinical and practical application.
